All posts by robertstjoyce

Tummy Tuck in Orlando

An alternative to tummy surgical tummy tucks that is offered in Orlando, Florida. This procedure uses 2 IPL systems to melt fat and tighten skin without cutting or down time. They also provide face lifts, butt lifts and other amazing procedures without surgery and the cost is much less than a surgical procedure. Exclusively in Orlando.

Osborne Spectacle of Lights

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One of the best parts of Disney World at Christmas is the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights. Millions of colorful lights decorate the buildings at the backlot of Hollywood Studios and “dance” to famous Christmas tunes.

In between the choreographed tunes, the lights twinkle like normal and you can see everything from Santa on his sleigh, dancing angels, Christmas trees and toy soldiers.

This is a video montage of the dancing lights festival at Disney I took this year for Christmas 2014. Also, you don’t see it, but Disney often pumps snow into the backlot while the lights are dancing for extra Christmas cheer.

Enjoy! And for more Christmas videos visit my website above – thanks for watching!